Regards to simplicity and complexity which I had just learned from the lecture , I will be discussing about the design project that I had developed during my Year 1 Sem 1. The reasons I choose the project from the semester is because I found out that the model I designed suits well to the ‘simplicity’ concept. Simplicity , as a process of adhering to the essence of use, to lack of ornament and to mimesis of the technical reproducibility and expressive rigor of utensils. The model basically is a doubled-storey building which looks similar to the modern houses we can look at and it was built with all different kind of spaces that is required by a normal people to stay in.
Starting from the ground floor , the first thing we can see is the living area which is connect to level 1 by a U-shaped staircases. As the building is purpose for the people who doing quilting activity , so the living area is set at a moderate area which allow the people to access to all space more easily. The storage or the gallery is located just beside the living area so peoples who visit to the place can have a view of people working on quilting while they having a view in the gallery , or so called ‘one stone kills two bird‘ .
In term of mixture of natural components , the building comes with an outdoor semi open area where is to allow the visitors or peoples who work there can enjoy the breeze of natural air. It is set this way is because I want to make an environment where mankind and natural can blend together and reach a harmony tones.
“ I DON’T BELIEVE ARCHITECTURE HAS TO SPEAK TOO MUCH. IT SHOULD REMAIN SILENT AND LET NATURE IN THE GUISE OF SUNLIGHT AND WIND ” , stated by Tadao Ando which means a building doesn’t need to show much about how good it is but to let the nature express out how well the building is.
Next , we move to the first level which is also the resting area for the people who lives there. Here I had designed a fully enclosed space to keep the privacy for the people as it is a primary requirement for a resting area. To allow a visual connection between people inside and people outside , 2/3 of the walls were built by using glass windows so that not only the people can look to outside but also allow lots of sunlight to penetrate through into the building.
In the nutshell , the building I will consider it as a simplicity concept because it had reached some of the requirements which is wide openings for light , air and sunshine; balconies , flat roofs , a scientific basis , emphasis on mechanization light colours , new materials used for their own sake and a reconception of housing in the light of social and economic research.