Form X Function
UNITY TEMPLE by Frank lloyd Weight
Heydar Aliyev Center by Zaha Hadid
shape or configuration of a building. The reciprocal relationship is essential, given the intention of architecture to provide internal sheltered space for human occupation.
The importance of form is perhaps one of the most contentiously debated subjects in contemporary architectural discourse. However, the conceptual divide between those (like the author of this essay) who question the validity of “formalist” architecture, and those who embrace form as a fundamental aspect of architectural production, need not (and should not) represent the equivalent of an ideological impasse. For both, form matters; what is in question is how and why it matters.
A building or a space is well said as based on the purpose of it , none of the space is being ignored or wasted in use , is a matter of confusion and controversy within the profession, particularly in regard to modern architecture.
“Form Ever Follow Function”
Louis Sullivan

Louis Sullivan coined the phrase and stated out contemporary architecture should have its form which primarily based on its intended space.It is an art based on the principles of Utility and Beauty where I think nowadays , the relationship between these two are inseparable , which means that when you designing a space , a building , an outlook , whatever comes first is the space quality of the space , how this space is going to be used , then only you proceed to the forming of building.
The dictum “form follows function,” repeated ad nauseum over the century since its first articulation, is the symbolic nexus around which arguments pertaining to form have been organized ever since. It remains relevant only insofar as it is precisely the function of form that remains contested.
Scott Building by Louis Sullivan
Architecture is not merely a slavery to the past art, not is it blind originality. It has to be a perfect blend usability, beauty and economy. Architecture has always been the result of the delicate balance between art and science…
The personality of an architect is reflected through his creations. We can gauge his temperament by looking at the way the structure is designed, both internally as well as externally. An architect takes care of human need, interests, sentiments & values of his clients while designing the structures…
Functionality should always be giver higher priority than form.
For an example, Louis Sullivan once said, different kind of building somehow has the fixed concept on designing,like a tall office building, what comes first that must be the fancy entrance, continue with the first floor which emphasis materiality . Starts from the office floors and goes up to the attic , every single level has the same function - office . Thus , nothing has to be doubt that it is designed as same to them , are you expecting the office building to have different kind of design in each floor ? Kinda Wasted for an architect to express his intention , that’s not the essential of architecture which you are just DESIGNing space rather than giving a soul to the space.

Wainwright State Office Building
among the first skyscrapers in the world,
upper level functioned as offices , fully applying the form follow function concepts.
However,new uses, technologies and materials do change the relationship between them ,either make this relationship reverse , or make these two terms isolated with each others.Staircase is a walkway or access for human , nowadays people wisely using staircase as a steps or a seat in architecture .Stairs somehow is not looks alike as what “staircase is “ , the design is not following the typical staircases anymore , it can be high riser, big landing … Because now its functioned as more than what staircase provided.
Modern Building technologies also influence in this issue too . For an example ,the blur building , Its form is nothing without the presence of the fog , in this case , functions do follow the form ( which form by the fog ) . Fog creates the form which indicates the functions space. This can be said so as the new materials ! invention of steel and glass , changes the old , original form of a building .
Nothing form is impossible nowadays since the new uses , technologies and materials are invented . Thus, Functions are now following forms , Or form doesnt has to be considered upon the functions . form can create the functions at sometimes !

Blur Building
using of new technologies and materials , (fog) creates the space and its function , different functions are invented within a form space .

Louvre Museum
I M Pei
Fully applying steel and glass in this masterpiece.
A museum doesnt has to be like a house ,
A pyramid doesnt has to be in Egypt ,
this is a creative project merging the organic shapes with the function . Using this form , create the museum space underneath the ground level.
“Event, movement, and spaces were analytically juxtaposed in mutual tension ,the work moved toward an increasingly synthetic attitude, every event can fix in the spaces , depends on how you satisfied with the feeling inside it .” Bernard Tschumi.
Form can follow function as much as it can be an integral part of the best architecture of its time, as it was in Sullivan’s and Wright’s thinking and built works. It demands reconsideration. To my mind , i think that its not constant to be fixed that Form must follow function , we are now heading approach the future architecture , it is an unknown world with lots of probabilities , Form and Functions are two basic terms in every single building . Which one comes first is not important , how successful they blend in into each other is the most concerning point nowadays.

Staircase differ from typical outlook and form.