Contemporary architecture is a range of style of architecture appropriate to the current time period. It is an evolution of modern architecture that connects the internal space and external contexts, which are optimized for current use.
Context is external elements of the building,either physical and non physical. Roads,buildings and land contour are examples for physical elements while non physical elements are weather condition ,local culture etc.
Thus the contexts are influencing contemporary architecture design. Design for a house in four seasons' countries for example is different than the design in tropical countries. Understanding the local contexts are important for designers to produce a good building design.
The climatic context plays the important role in design. Designer need to design buildings that meet the criteria of local climate such as building orientation, types of material used, and also size and type of
However, the improvement of technology and machine make designer so depending on artificial artificial heating and cooling, it violates the aim of architecture. It makes architecture lack of meaning and context.
The understanding of the local's climatic context is the most important strategy in contemporary architecture otherwise the building is less comfort.
Culture is a way of life of a space. It is the best way to accept the constraints of a space and is followed from generation to generation. Sometimes it become a symbol and indentity of a place. Adaption in architecture is the most popular way to show the indentity of place.
The cultural context plays an important role in influencing contemporary architecture. The influence of this tradition has evolved the beginning and also das influenced the thinking of many contemporary architects.
A form that comes from a culture and has been an icon might also influence the contemporary architecture forms.
For example , Egyptian pyramid form has become a popular form across the world and has been imitated by many architects. An immediate example is Louvre Pyramid in Paris designed by I.M.Pei.The building has been triggering controversy due to its form that every contrast from the classical building at background. While some others starring that this building is a symbol of the success of the merger between the old and new concepts.
When disgning a building , architect should be consider about the elements that surrounding the site. The form, materials, idea, aim of the building should be organized to suit the context of the site. Architecture that include these elements are attractive. A building without context just like body without soul,is nothing.
So, contemporary architecture is essentially related to the issue and the current style. Therefore, architecture is constantly changing according to the times. Environmental issues such as pollution that rising recently are very important to overcome. Everything in design is all about context, and not only site context.
In conclusion, the design process should not only fulfill the designer or client's desire but must take into account the surrounding contexts locally and lobally.
Response to the surrounding contexts is very important because it determines the success of a buildings' design. In response to these contexts will create communication channels between buildings and people around. Sometimes people will appreciate the architecture, if designers appreciate their cultural and aesthetic values. Thus, the context of climatic, cultural, environmental and site cannot be denied is very important in determining the contemporary architectural design.

" Combination of Science and architecture create a soul into a building." -Jane Jacob
Building will not built lonely, it should be fulfilled with ingredients. Jane Jacob's idea of close grain diversity of use have a great communication between site, building routes and so on.