“Arrival” is a Sci-Fi and drama film yet also consist full of mystery. The film began when 12 mysterious spacecraft had landed on 12 different places around the world. To have a more well development with the aliens or so called ‘heptapods’ , Dr. Louise Banks whom is a linguistic as well as a lecturer was brought to the site together with Dr. Ian Donnelly for a further investigation of the ‘heptapods’.
As for aliens and humans have their own self communication method , it was hard for them to get know ‘heptapods’ why they are here on earth and who are they? Slowly Dr. Banks found out that it will be more easier to communicate with each other by using body language and written words.
Although things go smooth on their investigation in the early stage but because of the misunderstanding among the humans ,the tension rises and the peoples had started to lost their humanity and became chaos. All the military base refuse to communicate their intelligence and some eventually going to start attack the ‘heptapods’ spacecraft. To solve the problem , Dr. Banks willing to take a chance to go communicate with the ‘heptapods’ once again which could threaten her life.
After getting answers from the ‘heptapods’ and solving the conflicts among the human , the chinese military decides to stand down and the spacecraft all rise from the ground and leave Earth in a cloudy mist.


Although this film is about aliens and is quite hard to understand the storyline at first but they had successfully convey the message through the film about the language and cooperation as well as how people transcending barriers and immersing themselves in a new culture to understand a foreign race. The aims is to touch more in looks inward which is also a message for us to understand our life’s choices and also living as if any one moment were as valuable or meaningful as the next.

Banks still choosing to side with Ian even she know whats going to happen in future.
For example, Louise Banks approaches the task of establishing communication with life forms that don’t same with the way humans do is handled in a way that’s both intelligently presented and fascinating to watch unfold on the screen. She also having courageous to move forward although she had already knew the things that will happen in the future when she had the flash-forwards memories throughout the time. In effect, by choosing not to alter the future, you’re creating it, and actively affirming it.
This film also give us a way to look at the human race and the humanity lies among us. It is way good in interpreting how selfish human beings are by trying to sacrifices other lives in order to save their own kind. Because of some small misunderstanding , big quarrel or eventually a war will occur for just the get others to acknowledge the right of ours.
After watching this movie, I can barely understand the story. Why Louise suddenly understand the Heptapods language? Why only she can see the future? Is she the only chosen one who capable in changing the fate or the world? Look back to this movie, the story is creative (I like the way of Heptapods communicate) but somehow it was way too alternative to understand because it needs viewer to ponder more.