SEASON 3 Public Lecture 02
ACQUIRE understanding
BY Mohd Hatta Ismail / ATELIER DIA

About the speaker.
Intuitive Consultant at ATELIER DIA.
Intuitive Design at DIA.
encompasses many interests and domains, driven by an inquiring intellect and deep passion.
Focusing primarily on the intellectual functions of objects and visual expressions of colour and texture, to assist in the orchestration of objects and spaces, which are only a natural reaction to architects intent.
Attended the PAM public talk by Mr Hatta Ismail , we are required to write our own review on this talk and what have we gained throughout this 2 hours talk.
is the idea of relating senses to objects and spaces towards consciousness allowing greater insights into art, object, form and space.How you understanding of objects and spaces are furthered
through this practice of appreciation rather than the conflicting interpretations inherent within is a process of appreciate.”
Showing many different types of Art Pieces that he made , Wabisabi is the word he expressed the most , so called his design inspiration.The bowls that he made comes from different texture , material , shapes ,showing up the simplicity of the form .
It represents Japanese aesthetics and a Japanese world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete".
"usually it shows asymmetry, roughness, simplicity, economy, austerity, modesty, intimacy, and appreciation of the ingenuous integrity of natural objects and processes of my design,"
Mr Hatta Ismail

Projects Introduction

Silalima located in Kuantan.
Adaptive reuse of a residential area into one public accommodation ( guest house ) for other to book for a pleasant stay.
Having simplicity of the space planning and material choosing ,he decided to blend in a pond , serves as Hierarchy of the elements in the entrance.
The entrance seems to be hidden in somewhere , but it is just located right to the pond ,seperated with a concrete wall .
“i found out when you are designing something , dont try to have too much inside “, said Mr Hatta ismail , emphasizing the importance of mixing material and your design idea together , but not overload the space quality , thus make the space to be complicated and messy .
“When i try to make this building alive, i was not touching the structure of it, just add on some element , or can be said as ornament . “
Glass is the favourite choice of material by him ,
Throughout glass ( transparent medium) , we ,as the user of the building can undergo visual contact with the surrounding / human being . Natural elements like sunlight , rain drop can performing their architectural way of effect through the glass too.

One of the intelligent solution that he made is the usage of pivot doors instead of sliding door .Sliding door has one common issue which is the opening area is restricted because there is always one side of sliding door blocks the walkway of entrance , while pivot door solve this issue in a creative way .

" i like to put on ART PIECE on wall ,it increase the quality of it ,just like we use marble and granite."
Mr Hatta Ismail

-a guest house designed which yellowish light is widely been used in the interior of the house.
the level of the house is raised ,few steps (entrance ) hierarchy of it..

“i tended not to designing a proper entrance for it , but considering about the security , here gotes the stain steel door ."
The height of it is up right to the ceiling level , to create one massive feeling to the guest, like a welcoming to the hotel

During the Q&A section , one audience questioned about the intention of taking wabisabi as his design approach , because wabisabi is a concept of japanese ,how he related to the culture or design in malaysia. The answer for me is quite interesting as he said design is forever imperfect , you cannot create one building or area which is so called UTOPIA, there is always some issues deeply planted inside, but you can go simplicity to it .wabi may be interpreted as the imperfect quality of any object, due to inevitable limitations in design and construction/manufacture especially with respect to unpredictable or changing usage conditions; then sabi could be interpreted as the aspect of imperfect reliability, or limited mortality of any object.So thats the reason he is inspired by this famous concept.While there is another question about how he approach his design to the client which is more related to the project managements ( subject that are going to be studied in the coming semester).
I have learnt about the method on choosing the right material ,how we gonna process to finalize our design , and the way we take some concept into our design approach . Anyway , it is a very fun and inspiring talk for me , interesting topic , speaker with humor , smooth flow of the talk about how his manifesto that can be learnt in the future.
"For me ,to conclude about this, design is an attitude ."
Mr Hatta Ismail