Modern architecture is simplicity in design and It's clear and clarity the sense of simplicity. Architecture is necessarily complex with structure, mechanical equipment and expression.
But what does simplicity mean?
Simplicity is not simplification, complicated problems will also exist when designing a simple building. We can't define a simple building by It's shape. The connections, structure, lighting and others must be considered too. Simplicity of architecture must be balance, measurement, relation between points and organizaton. A simple building have an interior whose funtions, spaces, uses and distributions that are complex.
Leonardo da Vinci once said that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Simplicity in design calms us and somehow inspires us, not only in architecture but also in other forms of design.
This is a minimal space for only one person. It's a cooking pod for people to release stress and enjoy cooking or preparing food.
Many times simplicity begins with a singular geometry, one form enclosing space in a beautiful way. As my design is using a geometric shape of circle, It's look modern, elegant. Furthermore , it is easy to access to every single corner in my design.Thus , Circle is used but it is not the concept of going simple initially, i was trying hard to simplify due to many conditions that cannot be fulfilled.
This space is contains maximum simplicity, wide openings for light, skylight for air and sunshine and also flat roof which allow maximum air flow into the building to make the space cooler. This building designed is to blend natural and modern outlook.
The floor plan of this building is simple and practical. This building contain space for cooking, enjoying food and also storage.
This building is balance and has proper measurement. The organization of this building is centralized.
The material used is concrete which is strong and durable.It brings out the feeling of firm and cool , providing the best environment for the cooker to prepare food.
Besides that, white colour finishes on my model is used because white provides a harmony tone and cleanliness . Hygience is a most importance considerations for a kitchen to be designed.Moreover,space looks brighter and bigger by limited my design to be simple but not easy.
"Less is more" - Mies Van Der Rohe
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe described his architecture with the famous saying, "Less is more". He establish a new architectural style that could represent modern times.
To my mind , my design is considered as in the category simplicity since it reach the characteristics of simplicity which are mentioned above.The attitude that i gonna expressed in this design is , no wonder how difficult or the situation is ( the requirements within the space),Design can be changed ( usually deduction of elements) by having these few intelligent acts , previously used by Mies Van Der Rohe.