Simplicity is a process of adhering to the essence of use, to lack of ornament and to minimize the technical reproducibility and expressive rigor of utensils. Simplicity made contraction itself clear and comprehensive without denying its existence and its value as a material for establishing different. During my semester design studio, I was given a project to design a dwelling for the character of ballerina who is having phobia- monophobia. Monophobia is someone who is fear of being alone, who need attentions of the others. This is a group project which consists of six students who have different character staying together inside a miniature town. Since my character needs to grab more attention from the others, I decided to design my dwelling in a way more simple. My character as a ballerina is staying with the other characters in the miniature town with respective character which are psychologist, old folks, security guard, chef and scavenger. My character has the hobby of dancing thus, I design a dance platform for her by glass wall and some slended pilotis to control the lights penetrate into the dance platform but also allow the character to has a peek of what is happening in the outside and have connection with the others character who having monophobia as well so it might give a feeling of there is someone accompany the character when she is doing her daily activities. As an example, when the ballerina is dancing, the psychologists is giving therapy for others patients at her own courtyard so it brought a cross feeling that the psychologists is accompany her. My dwelling has lot openings to allow air and sunshine perpetrating into the house. In some private area like bedroom, I designed a skylight at the roof so my character can glance at the sky during night time, although my character is fear to being alone but the character also need to slowly overcome the phobia. From public space to private space is like a therapy process for my character to slowly reduce the anxiety when being alone. There is therapy called relaxation and desensitization where the character is exposed in a safe and controlled way in a situation. As an example, my character is placed in her bedroom with a skylight designed on the roof as glancing at the sky give a sense of peaceful and relaxes feeling. My dwelling is more simplicity in design, flat roof, light materials and etc. My dwelling has an interior whose functions, uses and distributions are simple. I think my design for my dwelling is way more simplicity because it is balance, measurement, relation between points and transparency walls. During the design progress, I mean to design my dwelling by the principle of simplicity because simplicity gives a sense of clear, peaceful, relax situation. This is because my character get anxious easily when she gets alone so the character can relax and clear up her mind when she is being alone it the dwelling by doing some fun activities which can help to distract her anxiety.