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In architecture,we often hear the term - “site context” when we are planning to design a building.From the general meaning from theory, Context gives the meaning of the relationship between the environment & the planning related to building.Related elements including site ( the piece of ground ) , user , environment(natural condition),even political or economical issues also affect the site planning .Context is external elements of the building,either physical and non physical. Roads,buildings and land contour are examples for physical elements while non physical elements are weather condition ,local culture etc.

Context of architecture are changing from the last decades to now ( 21st century ) .Nowadays, lets look back to the past few years , the major issue , the latest issues , which annoyed the world ,are overpopulation , terrorism.Overpopulation leads to a problem on city planning , where urban design is getting more important ; and Terrorism is creating an atmosphere of tension ( the world is concerning about the security.) The context is more towards how you can provide a safer situation in this land , according to the problems that appeared.

Context plays an important role in architecture as it determine the architectural style of the building.It decides the building material selection,site layout,in order to bring out the effective feeling to the user and promote the continuity between the building and local circumstances.


Besides that, context is a justification of the design to suit the site.By taking the context as the scheme or basic consideration, a simple change in architecture design planning might bring out the large effect to the surroundings.Furthermore, context is a linkage which connect the user with the building.Context in this case act as an issue or a ring , which chain the building with the condition around , by solving the problem , here comes the site planning of design.

“Everywhere in the city, by the shortest way.”

Le Corbusier stated in his article,the access is important in the urban planning , but the danger on the road is always the context in nowadays.Hence, he introduced his utopia concept of one road with one function , which flows in into housing area from different levels .In this case,he connects the user with building , but still consider about the context of the site , and overcome the problem.

To my mind , i think that context is predominately combination of social and economical issues.Despite the normal situation like site contour, site weather ,( natural issues).Non physical issues are now overtaking the site consideration in architecture life.Social issues such as security(terrorism )which i mentioned before is a global problem which affect the site planning.Architect needs to think of the access , to be convenient but on the other hand provides a safety to the user and building itself.


From the view of economical ,they are the impact which slowing down the building design process and development , and also given the psychological impact to all practitioners .Economical consideration of the site may affects the outlook of the building , will this material is affordable by the users of the site ? May this site turns more popular after suiting my design on the site ? May this area brings out the economic values and changing the lifestyle of the surrounding?Therefore,this context usually makes the architectural style to be simple and clean .

Overpopulation , security and economic are the main issues ( the context ) of nowadays in every site . A hidden elements in site.


                                  I M PEI

Understanding the site context , the building is built using the raw material around the site , collecting the best sunlights into the museum .Providing a simple and easy access for public , thus a tunnel is created ( as a feeling of getting back to the nature ) .As it is located between the woods , the building is design like hiding inside the trees area , merging into the nature , without any hierarchy feeling of it.From the socialism , it provoke the contacts between the users inside, pedestrian pathways are emphasized ( just like what Le Corbusier stated in his arcticle “ Radiant City” - Pedestrian should be considered first ,back to the ground , away from the automobile...)The building is also consider about the sun orientation , which keeps interior warm when winter, brings in nature ventilation when summer. : A short tour guide video showing how site context influencing this design ( explanation in mandarin)


                                                                  Works Partnership

"Small Building but tall office buildings on very small sites is a challenge."

The common context in portland as there offering a small area for a particular building to be built(land insufficient).Despite the restriction ,the design pull up the buildings and solving the context issues in the city area.No parking area ( the setback line is far away from the building, hence the ground floor area becomes the natural parking area for the staff.) 

The entire floors could be leased to single tenants, minimizing common areas.

Thought bSIDE6 is radically modern, unlike the neighboring arcaded buildings, it shares the same language of form and therefore respects and enhances the district.Enhancing the social contact with the neighbourhood , the facade was designed as some spaces do let outsider to look through but some didnt .

I think that the theory of contextualism has asserted itself and has today a very important place in the design work. Indeed, this term is a manipulated variables since the world is changing a day by a day , the issue by now might become a solution in the future, . At the present time I think that architects have a very consciousness of urbanism and the context . Nevertheless, I adhere to this line of thought which I think was necessary for the evolution of urbanism and architecture.The important of existing and applying context inside the design process is a necessary element in architecture life , which makes your building contemporary , fits the current era and fullfil many kind of requirements from many ways :social , economic ,site ,weather,circulation etc.

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