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                Form and function are two different things. Despite of this, the form of a building has a strong relationship with the structure, the architect is the person who plays an important roles to produce a function which is the product of a structure.

                For example, a building has a form such as bricks, wood, a map and a design. It is FORM or structure of that building. Now, the complete well-furnished building serves a purpose of living that is the FUNCTION of that building. Form and function is the hottest topic in architecture today. Most of the building which embrace these two pricinples satisfy our visualization.

                However, form in building architecture is the final output. But it is also more than that. It is the value that output creates including the ‘negative space’ which fulfills those things. Negative space is a way of describing that things that aren’t built are as important as things that are. But it is the value that is created that interests me. A form of building can be simple, complex, beauty ,useful and the combination of these forms. There is no wrong to create a space with non-function. Nowadays, people like to complicate the space in their home design just to show off how wealthy are them. It does not wrong whether a building is design with forms follow function or not. If forms did not follow function , more creative outlook shape of building will be built. Design is not a law , but it has RULES to follow. 

Louis Sullivan developed the shape of the tall steel skyscraper in late 19th Century Chicago at the very moment when technology, taste and economic forces converged and made it necessary to drop the established styles of the past. His first idea was the space planning of the building.  After the space planning done, the simple form is chosen to play an important role of shelter for the building. This building is the significant building of showing forms follow function.

( The idea of form come after the function fix )


                New materials including steel, iron, glass, all of these has the same properties, which is light and strong. This is also the key factor to built the high rise building. When the building is high, means more space to develop their usage. In other words, New materials affect directly the quality of space. The more higher the building , the more creatvie shape of building could be built. 


                In conclusion, form and function have a great relationship in cooperating in architecture today. The relation between them is not only the physical existence ,but also the feeling created by the product 
of combination of them


            "  We need to move away from the definition of function as utility, to align it with how function is defined in mathematics, biology or music. Form, on the other hand, should be considered not only in the way buildings are produced, but also how they perform sensorially. Function and form, considered together in architecture, stand in opposition to the dualism which defined our approach to the built environment throughout the twentieth century. "

~ Farshid Moussavi



               Some adaptive reuse project well preserve the old structure and the cultural element of the building

( materials ) and import contemporary design with new materials at the same time. 


                The renovation part become more open view compare than others, because the function of the space has changed , so the demand of the light intensity will be enhanced due to the function. So the new form with new materials has change the original form. A building that over lifespan will be renovated , but the term of renovation depend on the client. Some of the building renovate via the form, some of it through out the function, but some of it work with each other , just like the example as shown above.


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