Based on the knowledge we gained at the previous class, we are now further discuss about the term “ context “ in architecture lifespan .Building is designed based on local needs, availability of construction materials and reflecting local traditions. At least originally, contextualism did not use formally-schooled architects’ concept , but developing the global issues and forming a base ( the base will be changing day by day ) for every corner of the world ( as the site are going to be used to build and develop). In the early 19 centuries, architects are normally ,less consideration about the other side of “ context “,majority of the historical buildings are just taking context as the word ‘site’, context means so physical to the building , majority are referring to the historical background of the site , making the new built up building to be looked like same with the previous on along the site , Context is just a reference to the user to understand the existing site,or analysis the site condition ( contour , weather , advantages of it )

Nowadays,It tends to evolve over time to reflect the environmental, technological, economic, and social context in which it exists. While often difficult to reconcile with regulatory and popular demands of the four factors mentioned, this kind of architecture still plays a role in architecture and design, especially in local branches.
To my mind , I think context is as important as what It was a century ago , but in another form.A century ago, a building which is said “contextual” is usually blend in into the site , merging itself together with the site , seems to be less contrast;But nowadays, contextual building can be iconic ,compared to the surrounding ,but it is still be designed based on the context ( considerations taken is towards the human circulation, human issue: social problems,site safety,economical issues….)You can’t said that the master Zaha hadid designed the building just for fun . No ! Although every single building is special on its form and outlook, but the context is different with the basic context all around the world.There are common context to every corner in the world , and there are also specific context just for the particular site.Based on common context ( you must consider human flow, facade openings..),she modify the building with the specific context too , the site human population,the behavior of the users , the height restriction of the neighborhood etc. As Adrian Forty stated''every design problem begins with an effort to achieve fitness between two entities:the form and its context, which context is formal ,marked by its study of figure /ground relationships.'' Context can be hidden elements to the building , not necessary to be applied in the outlook, but its is essential to be considered when site planning .

Context nowadays is said lying on a libra scale with the context in 1900s . They are all influencing the forming of building, they are still changing the relationship between spaces in building and nature, they are still be the manipulated variables for architects to develop their one and the only building , but the term is transforming to another form , a form which more appropriate to REALISTIC ( because the building has to be last longer ! not only good in material , but also the satisfications by users !)

Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright
Context : A nature site in US ( near urban area)
Tend to merge into the woods &river
Economical issue period
(hidden residential in US)

The Therme Vals by Peter Zumthor
Context : A nature site in Switzerland
Tend to merge into the mountain
enhance tourist flow(economical enhancement)
(public building in natural emphasis country)
Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright

Falling water is a classical example for the type of contextual building is early 1900s.Frank Lloyd Wright fully applied the concept of CONTEXT in those days , diffusing the concept of him into the site ( As the floor plan provided , the falling water is located among the woods area, with a river over flowing through the site ) Being the naming of the organic building , this building trying to reach out the condition of ''forgetting the presence of the building while you are with the nature .''He inserted into the context of the surrounding landscape and provide a new context to the surrounding landscape. Even when the buildings are disruptive, they are so contextually (i.e. the disruption provides a new context to the surrounding elements) Differ from the material used , the space planning of the site is also related closely to the site condition ( Context those day) .Economical condition at those days allows the wide usage of concrete construction , therefore he invented a cantilever fully constructed by concrete , but not considering about the manipulated of context ( as new method will face many problems with it,the building is now starting to has danger in sustaining the loads). But , It is still context considered as we seen at those days , glass is used / openings are everywhere , so there is no medium in between human and site .
The Therme Vals by Peter Zumthor

Locating at the hill side in Switzerland , this building is well said the heaven of the Graubünden(site name).Peter Zumthor , a master in the five senses , fully developed the new term of context into the design , and finally ,a thermal bath building has been built.Considering about the hill weather ( which is normally lower than the entire country site, because its location is higher ) and the advantages of side ( having the hot spring source nearby) He create a space that the spatial quality is very iconic compare to the surrounding, but its very match to it too ! From the roof plan ,it is barely hard for us to find out the building ( green roof is used) ,the spaces linked naturally to the site ( nature) , considering about the economical issues , Peter use raw materials which is found on site . he expand the site advantages ( Switzerland has a huge green and breezy condition ,with the beauty of nature.Furthermore , to enhance the social contact between users, it is designed to be a hotel and spa !The access is everywhere (four sides of the building) the feeling that create in the interior and exterior is totally different . A well planning on the context makes this contemporary building to be famous and thus Peter Zumthor as a household name,which is known by everyone.
In a nutshell,context is too unpredictable to architects ,but its considerable .it chained up the buildings throughout the world , but it specialise the particular building too ! Understanding context is not just about site study and analysis , its a measurement and judgement on tectonics , uses ,and the user's convenience ,which will affect your layout of building , your building form etc.Every single building must have the same consideration ( context issue ) , its either a solution that designed to be solved , or a problem that enhance the space quality of the site .Context, a term containing numerous meanings ,numerous variables .