In today's lecture, we are further discussing the topic on Form & Function which these two photos were given out as a comparison to let us expressing our point of view towards the relationship between these two terms. I personally think that the London City Hall ( left) has more appropriate from its form to its function , than the Open Air school ( right ) , as the consideration of the usefulness of the space, City hall designed it in a way which only fits the function of the building , ( an enclosed space is needed) .Despite the usefulness, its aesthetic was being considered as well . This specific form was under calculated and adjusted so that the unique LONDON CITY HALL WAS FORMED .

When you think of a building you love, what do you think of?
It’s simplicity, complexity, beauty, usage, ability to serve its purpose while fitting into its surroundings?
Form in building architecture is the final output. But it is also more than that. It is the value that output creates including the ‘negative space’ which fulfills those things.
In building architecture form can be readily understood at a visceral level. Value is based on elements that most humans can ‘feel’ if not conceptualize. The difference between a good house/apartment layout and a bad one is something most adults have experienced at least once. “Who designed this place, I can’t even put a sofa in the living room!”
In technology architecture it is something a bit more esoteric. Iasa contents that form in technology architecture is the value, satisfaction and outcomes associated with a technology AFTER it is deployed and running. And this form drives and constrains structural decisions for the architect.
A significant number of programs, projects and products are delivered by function alone. Imagine your building again. Now imagine if they had added just one room at first with no electricity, air conditioning, roof, or other elements. Then the next year they added another room and one light socket. And so forth and so on.Function in building is roughly equivalent to requirements or user stories in technology driven business initiatives. Functionalism is now grabbing the users’ concerns rather than just focusing on humanism in the past.

Throughout the lifespan of the building , ( barely talk from the formation of the building, which we called design ideas ) ,Form and function are are penetrating all the process of it . I agree with the hold of the view by Frank Lloyd Wright that , Form and Function should be in one , neither any architect should straight forward applying Form follow function without any well consideration.Whereas i think that their relationship is quite abstract , form ( aesthetic) and function do comes in from different direction of your mind , but in a same time . For an example , when you are thinking of a shape which you think it suits your design , you do need to think of the purpose of using this geometric shape, the function that the shape is going to be created ( the space as well ) , and how it gonna be used somehow to make your building - ARCHITECTURE . Its said to be dissapointing that you fulfill the space activity or function with any form , for an example you are pouring the water into a specific shape of container , many considerations are ignored : who is going to taste it ? is it convenient for consumer ? will the container last longer ? Is the container’s shape well represents the colour of the water , the quality of the water ?

Building Metaphor
Container - Form , aesthetic of building
Liquid - usefulness , function
As the sentences go like :
You add water into the bottle , it becomes THE BOTTLE ;
You add water into the teapot , it becomes THE TEAPOT;
You add water into the cup , it becomes THE CUP .
Functionalism is created and modified by human ,
the form of the building(shape of container) is interchangeable with the content .(water)
Nowadays, there are many renovated buildings which designed by architect to serve a better uses of space , or totally changes the lifestyle of the users , or remain unchanged of the function , but make some changes in facade , or the aesthetic outlook.But first we look into , why have those buildings lost their identity of historical monuments ? why must they undergo this kind of process ? To me , i think the simple answer is : Although the quality of the spaces has faded , there must be something valuable, which is essential that has to be preserved , ( which i think is related to USEFULNESS - function ) or the magnificient ,form of the building that was no longer exist nowadays.Thus,the connection between usefulness & aesthetic , usefulness & purpose are overwhelming the system of the architectural work in this case.

by Ng Seksan
Being located inside the typical old shoplot area , this creative cafe & guest house was once a chinese old shop and was being adaptive reuse to a totally different function along that road.It seems like hidden inside , trying to bring out the sense of humanism and functionalism. Mr Ng achieved a success in merging the elements with each other and connect tightly the function and the aesthetic sence of the building. Form was being unchanged ( location unchanged , framing structure unchanged.)He brought out a different Space quality where the typical guest house and cafe will no be able to exist .
By using the traditional structure , the space has interaction with the outer space (nature) ,which widen the function of the initial building.(shops,only the workers can fully understand the space quality or funciton,customers who are just spending few minutes times those days didn't have the chance to encounter that senses or usefulness of it.

Building framing structure helps a lot in creating the new function inside this building , not only using walls , partition but also beams , ventiltaion holes ,skylight etc.
By making the elements like flowing into each other .this adaptive reuse example is like an area with soul , many different relationships can be seen and noticed throughout every connection and corner inside.
Art Community:
Revitalization Project at Mallory Street / Burrow Street, Wan Chai
by Aedas Architect Film,HK.

Historical significant four storey buildings were beinfg renovated and a whole new space was created : a mixture of Chinese and Western architectural style, which merging with the Wan Chai 's urban development characteristics and the old building function.
This renovation comes with a huge difference in designing from previous to the present, as the initial building is located at the core center of Hong kong urban area, thus the colour tone usage is slighty represent the materialism style , but after the renovation , different kind of aesthetic consideration is taken .
Although ther is still many chinese style architectural elements like pitched roof , wooden door etc.The usefuness of the space has changed , influencing the design when they might need to renovate this area into a funtionalism space and suit contemporary architecture.

Space perservation is much more being concerned in design this renovated project, Shoplots area downstairs are remain but comes with a contemporary design entrance and facade , which surrounded the center shoplots which is modern and humanism.
“Usefulness & design are not related in problem-solution manner ,”
Richard Hill
As the quotes was wrote inside the "Purpose,Function,Use" these two terms are not the first and the second relationship, but in a chained relationship.
When there is a way , there must be a hidden issue.Building nowadays are designed based on the functionality, the importance of the architecture is to merge them together with other expects just like humanism , form & purpose , so the system can only be considered as complete but not perfect.To my mind, functionality is necessity as it becomes a widen range which goes beyond humanism in today 's time.We are not designing for an area anymore , we are fulfilling every desire on every expects in form (aesthetic ) , function (usefulness) , ideas (intention) and etc ...