Nature is playing an important role in architecture. Nature brings blooms, creatures, people and design. Architecture is an impact of people looking for shelter from the components of nature. Nature gives both the conditions to which people ensure themselves from sun, wind and rain and the way to make this assurance, for example, assortment in scenes and building materials. Therefore nature is entering in design. Nature is the exhaustive arrangement of conditions for composition outline. “It is the same in architecture as in all other arts: its principles are founded on simple nature.” By Marc-Antoine Laugier. Through history this connection has created and swung between participation with nature and rivalry with nature. Furthermore, part of nature with regards to architecture is changing through time.


The stadium design was inspired by the formation of nesting birds. The architects have succeeded in translating the concept, so that their work on the project soon gained the nickname “bird’s nest” almost spontaneously among the Chinese population. The design is based on the nests of birds, not only aesthetically but also at a structural level. The entire structure, visible from the outside, mirrors the branches of the nests that working together with each other achieves unimaginable resistance to the elements. At the center of the area that also houses other Olympic structures, the stadium seems to be perched like a spaceship, with a quiet majesty whose appeal is given by its slight undulation.

Tod’s Omotesando
The building is surrounded by a skin of interlocking concrete supports and glass, mimicking the trees lining the street. The organic effect outside of the building is particularly impressive in the cooler months, when the bare branches of the elms near reflected in the building. The facade design mimics the natural growth patterns of the trees nearby, and as luck would have on the sidewalk near the door has several trees whose branches run counter to most of the super-structure of the building, creating a mirror image of the nature of the architecture created by man. Rejecting the obvious differences between walls and openings, lines and planes, two and three dimensions, transparency and opacity, this building is characterized by a distinctive type of abstraction. Tree silhouette creates a new image with a constant voltage generated by the symbolic realization of the building and its abstract nature. For this project, intended to create a new building for its architectural express both the living presence of a fashion brand and its strength in the urban landscape endure the test of time.
In my opinion, I think that nature transcendentally a design metaphor and set of physical factors to overcome. As in design metaphor, nature inspired us in architecture. Architecture brings the visitors into deeper contact with nature so they can experience its sight, smell and sound. In another hand, to overcome the physical factors of nature, various studies and process was carried out to bring out the substance of architecture is wealthier. Thus, the architecture with nature elements is more interesting and iconic.
in conclusion, i think that nature is one the most important element and context while making the consideration of design. By that, we can gain inspiration from our surrounding. Besides, it also a critique of the existing human relationship with nature. A balance between nature and constructed environment must be archived to bring a higher living quality to the people.