Placed-based design in architecture today is when you get the feeling about a building that is somehow “just belonged” or that its placement on the site, its form, materials or even colours wore somehow “just right” , it is important as this kind of design will be easily accepted by the locals as if it belongs to the place.
Due to its importance , every design should look into this topic to enhance the quality of “place-based design” , not only current architect, architecture student should do it as well. Currently, we are doing a project which about Artist village located in Balik Pulau,Penang. The site that have be chosen are far apart from the main road. Due to this advantage, our site has its several elements that different from the range. This advantage is the key factor that bring out place-based design.

In our project , the main key word is “adaptive reuse” , the term of Adaptive reuse refers to the process of reusing an old site or building for a purpose other than which it was built or designed for. I am working my project with these two key words – Adaptive Reuse , Placed-Based Design .
Along the site , we are getting surrounded by more trees compared to the first step inside the site . I called it “FROM OPEN TO ENCLOSE”. However, when we walk through the site , we found out there some new buildings inside the site, that is the element of the side. The NEW MATERIALS ( concrete ) are imported to the site but surrounded by nature.


After the compilation of the idea of the site , I bring them into my current design. First of all, the welcome area of my building will be the most open area among the whole design range.
Then, guest and artist are guided by a circulation to the exhibition hall or working area. Along the way , the space are getting enclose by adding roof cover , openings and wall , just the feeling that they have experienced when they came to the site. People will feel the change of space quality to differentiate the function of space , then the behaviour of the people will be automatically changed. For example , when people walk along the way at outdoor area , the chit-chat activities will be going more freely and louder , but when they step in a place that they continued passed through has added a shelter with a function of exhibition, the activities of chit-chat may be doing silently to suit the space quality.
After that , when the idea of my space has come out, I started to think about the building form and building materials. As I mentioned above , the new materials has imported into this site, so I decided to bring this idea to my design. To use the term of Adaptive-reuse in my design, I decided to changed the context of the space of existing building (example: the change from the openness of the space )




Adaptive Reuse with placed-based design
Storage - Open Pantry
A function that serve as storing something for future use.
This area is the most enclose area in the existing building, but I change the function as Open Pantry for artist. I decide to remove the wall around the area and just remain the column. Besides that, the timber frame glass door import as the entrance of pantry. To blend in the new materials into the existing building , we can defined it as “Adaptive Reuse”. Futhermore, this is also the element from the site that I mentioned above – New buildings with new materials occur in a rural site. Last but not least, My extension design will use the new materials as well , such as Concrete and steel . The combination od placed-based designed will enhance the meaning of the building .
Place-based design has become a significant issue in urban planning and design. Related to the worldwide movement to protect places as an effect of ciltural globalisation. A building must be built with the the element related to the places, because it enhance the comfort level of the building in context. Not only the exterior form of the building , but the interior space should do the same way. So , If you have a aim to make a building alive , "PLACE-BASED DESIGN" is required.