This movie is a science-fiction allegory in a sharply more idealistic hopeful key which is the best result that doesn’t necessarily materialize in a gun sight. The director Denis Villeneuve teases his way through these elements, with shots of panicked crowds and new casts, revealing just enough to work up some excitement. Arrival was cleverly crafted, firmly grounded and deftly layered with intricate themes. The cast designed to have optimistic perspective on humanity which more concerned with a deeper, grander free will and personal responsibility.

Role as a linguist brought in by the U.S military to read the language of aliens that arrived on earth in 12 matching gray stone concave shaped ships and find out the intention of why they are here in the earth. Dr. Bank took some efficient actions in her effort to communicate with the interlopers, who come to be called heptopods. Amy played a well-polished, muted performance even though the movie may be stretching the brains a bit too far. Louise is experiencing not her memories of the past but living out moments of her own future. She knew her future, she knew that shewill lose her daughter that she chooses to bring her into the world nonetheless but she accepts it not to against it. Louise understands her life’s choice as living as if any one moment were as meaningful as the next.

Ian plays a theoretical physicist who teams up with Banks to decipher the alien language. When Louise tells Ian their daughter will die, her is naturally upset. He assumes Louise could have told him or warned him or even refused to have a child which they can change the future but Louise made the choice even knowing the eventual outcome. He couldn’t understand Louise and don’t know how to face her daughter thus he leaves them.

Works in Military Intelligence who trying to find a replacement for a linguist when the heptopods arrived that the government thought they harm the people. He is putting together a team to break through the language barrier. He wants the linguist to communicate with the heptopods to know why they are here and understand them. Colonel Weber more like a father in the movie who guide them and encourage and even understand their own potentials.