Nature has been always a source of inspiration for the human begin in different aspects of their life. Architecture interiors as one of the remarkable features in every society cannot be separated from nature. Nowadays architects and interior designers are constructing buildings without having a specific target or goal which decreases the value of the buildings. Various designers have been using concepts inspired from nature but still there are some missing parts in one of their forms, function, or structure. Therefore, the best solution for the architects and designers to increase the optimization in their design works is looking at the nature in every aspect deeper and try to apply them in their conceptual design of their project which is the heart of the design process while other architects have neglected concepts of nature despite that the surrounding environment and nature always influences human perception.
Nature is an emotional element within the surrounding environment and is an important aspect to deal with everyday affecting everything around human. Human always communicates with nature; since starting to build shelters and using them, nature has been used as an important and basic part in the plans and designs. Human being noticed the advantages of communicating with nature as; health, less stress and sickness. Plants and green spaces can help in perfection and safety in the cities and improvement of social relationship and interaction in residential environments .

Modern architecture It is inspired from sculptured forms and living organisms. There is a unity and harmony in design with nature and human. The design becomes familiar with human in its different elements. It is an organic design away from sharp edges and geometry and based on functionality. Some concepts are in advance with technology .Wright exterior design influenced by shell shape. Wright interior design influenced by shell shape Postmodern architecture.
( This is not my contemporary case study , just a definition of connection modern architecture and nature )

Frank Gerry ‘Walt Disney Concert Hall’
The masses of the building is inspired from the sea waves, while the steel cladding of the building's exterior is inspired from the fish peel. The design of the main hall shows the struggle in sea waves, also the plan for the music hall is inspired from the shape of the fish. Using different inspirations from nature lead the building to achieve integration between the building and the surrounding environment, picture above shows Walt Disney hall exterior ,interior, and the design influenced by sea waves.



Nature is predominantly a design metaphor , architect always design with nature to bring the soul into the building.
a lot of physical factors will affect the building form and function , so architect will consider these factors and get the solution with the cooperation with the site. A nice building does not come from its form only , but more predominantly come from the design metaphor of nature.
Nature has been a part of architecture from the time that human directly used it by living in the caves and using building material according to the nature of its surrounding, after industrialization designs changed by the new materials, tools and technologies and inspiration of nature took place in architecture; but it is not all what architecture took from nature, by taking a short look to the development of architecture, form, function and space quality and some of the main factors which has been taken into consideration, all through the history of classic architecture, and has been extended to today’s architecture, so it is important to make a complete integration between the building exterior, interior and the surrounding nature by using a clear natural concept from the surrounding environment to be solving the design problems and applying it on the building including the form, shape, function, materials, colors, furniture, structure, interior elements, equipment and environmental treatments .