Savoye House at Poissy , by Le Corbusier.

Palladio's Villa Capra - Rotonda
Spatial geometry , proportion and organization have been central discourse in architecture for centuries, but their hierarchical relationships among them have varied.I have studied about three different author, having their view towards proportion and organisation , and their relationship in architecture.By two obvious example given ( Savoye house ) at the left and (Palladio's villa) at the right. (left)One is asymmetry while (right) another one is symmetry , Le Corbusier and Andrea Palladio are expressing the similar idea upon the topic.
Today, these two terms are affecting the architecture by being the basic consideration when designing a building . Let’s conclude the role of them separately ,then only we move on into a “thing” ( combination and the balance relationship between proportion and organisation)

Organization is to determine the seperation or connection between similar or dissimilar uses,helps to clarify aspects of use and establishes similarity or contrast between spaces.
Organization means two different ideas in architecture
organizational space: the influence of the spatial environment on humans in and around organizations.
organization design: the creation of roles, processes, and formal reporting relationships in an organization.
Nowadays,Organization reflects spatial environment on the health, the mind, and the behavior of humans in and around the building itself. It is an area of research in which interdisciplinarity is a central perspective. It draws from management, organization and architecture added with knowledge from, for instance, environmental psychology, social medicine, or spatial science. In essence, it may be regarded as a special field of expertise of organization studies and change management (people) applied to architecture. This perspective on organizational architecture is elaborated in organizational space.
Organization also act as a set of metaphor providing the framework through which an organization aims to realize its core qualities as specified in its vision statement. It provides the infrastructure into which business processes are deployed and ensures that the organization's core qualities are realized across the business processes deployed within the organization. In this way organizations aim to consistently realize their core qualities across the services they offer to their clients.

On the other hand, Proportion is a architectural theory and an important connection between mathematics and art. It is more bringing the visual effect of the relationships of the various objects and spaces that make up a structure to one another and to the whole.We have discussed and learnt about the essential quality of proportion in the previous blog title , so i will now focusing on the role of the combination of both terms.
Proportion is the relationship between parts or things. In particular harmonious , proper or desirable relationships and the balance of symmetry.Its all about proportion , either symmetry (andrea palladio) or asymmetry (le corbusier), which both contribute to how the buildings were organised and proportioned.
In 21st century,Proportion and organisation of architecture are controlling the quality of a building ( from the exterior to the interior ).Despite the theories or the calculations that were said is necessary , the placement(organisation) of every space or elements is undeniable important to architects.Organisation , imperceptibly is influencing the porportion of the building.Spaces are different in dimensions , thus the organisation of the building will directly / indirectly affect the ratio / proportion of the building . The common role of them is, providing and enhancing the visual effect .The harmony of their relationship is creating a space & atmosphere which is balance and firm ( from the construction point ).

To my mind , proportion and organisation is necessary for human habitation and functioning.Since their consideration in design is based on human body anthropometric studies.The placement of the spaces is a reflection to the circulation of the space ( which affects the human daily life, since the connection between each spaces is based on human habitation.)The dimension and the location of the elements or spaces will affects the function of it too.Wrong positioning of the space will create a functional failure situation to the building.For an example,you put the space you design to greet the guests at the backyard area of your house , with a smaller dimension compare to your bedroom . That is ridiculous ! It becomes the backyard having the higher spatial quality than the entrance ! It is losing the function of living room ( which i define the space to be living room).
by Tadao Ando

Well design according the proportion and oganisation, a free plan , free facade ,flat roof, one main entrance (with the water pond in front) The fixed circulation was created ,by the organisation of every spaces and columns,the building is proportional , sizes ratio between spaces are reasonable , A perfect match on balancing the mathematics and aesthetic.
To conclude,proportion and organisation is the base of building life span . But , above the site context analysis.The building that showing the wild and crazy form but it doesn’t make sense to the proportion theory and organisation principle is not a good building , or we can say , it is just a building , without soul . A structure. Having the planning with the proportion and organisation ,the building itself will shining bright among the site .Architect metaphor building as lego , you hold the piece that is called ‘’balcony’’,you decide where to put it(organisation) , or combing another piece of ‘’balcony’’ , thus thinking of its proportion.
As Le Corbusier once said,’’proportion provokes sensation’’ one must be in space to be able to judge the proportion quality . What is the judging scheme? By the organisation of the space and elements…